Judge Robert Parrott is the Municipal Court Judge in Marysville, Ohio. He was appointed by the Governor to fulfill an unexpired term, and is seeking another term in the general election, 2021. Prior to his appointment, Robert Parrott practiced law for over 30 years in Union County, Ohio, and also has 24 years of judicial experience.

Judicial Philosophy
Sworn to uphold and protect the Constitution of The United States of America, Judge Robert Parrott has made a vow to hear every case before him with fairness and without bias. He believes emphatically that is his responsibility to interpret what the law is, not what it should be. Judge Parrott has a reverence for the constitutional roles of the other coequal branches of government. This approach to the proper role of the courts is the surest way to protect equity and result in a safer, freer environment for all.
Judge Robert Parrot graduated from Marysville High School in 1978, and received his Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, and Juris Doctorate from Ohio Northern University in 1982 & 1985, respectively. He has practiced law in Marysville since 1985. Bob Parrott has served faithfully on the Union County Board of Elections, in the Republican Central Committee, and on the Union County Historical Society Board, where he was president for 32 years. Parrott was the Acting Judge for the Marysville Municipal Court for the past 24 years.
A native of Union County, Robert Parrott is the son of Richard & Sonalee Parrott. He has 3 siblings. His father served as the Union County Common Pleas Court Judge until 2009, and had a reputation for “bucking bigwigs, and not suffering fools.”

Parrott Implement was founded in 1946 by Robert Parrott’s grandfather in Richwood, Ohio. It passed to his father, aunt, and uncle to run; and then was owned in part by Robert, his siblings, and cousins until the time of its sale in 2021.